Dance for Tender Times

Commissioned by Flinders Medical Centre Arts in Health to develop a movement response for the Cancer Wellness Centre in 2021, I worked with dancers Adrianne Semmens and Jazz Hriskin performing improvised danced duets in the foyer space of the Flinders Centre for Innovation.

Beyond the live site specific performances responding to the architectural space, the activity of the researchers and the needs of the patients who attend the Cancer Wellness Centre, I have choreographed and edited a dance film which has screened at the FMC Gallery and for The Moving Image Program on Adelaide Festival Centre’s large external projection screen during Illuminate Adelaide, July 2023.

Collaborating with film maker Tim Standing, media artist Wendy Yu and scored with the music of Emily Sanzaro the dance film Dance for Tender Times is a sensitive response to caring, well being, touch and the liminal space between diagnosis and health.

Close up of six hands cupped together

Memorial for Forgotten Plants


From Charcoal and Fallen Leaves